Wednesday, March 21, 2018

I call them Plantimals. This one is my favorite because most people don't see the changes right away.
My first completed oil painting that wasn't an assignment. I'm really happy with it.
Throwback to Prozack! My uncle's dog that I met two years ago when I crashed at his house while at a conference in Las Vegas. The conference was loads of fun and Proz was a sweetie.
California Academy of Science. I love this place and jellies are so pretty.
The one on the right was made by yours truly. The one on the left is a little espresso mug. You do the math. ;)
Photo Guild meeting! We've got lots of ideas so let's hope we can breathe some life into things again.
I miss my baby girl so much. I love being home for cuddles.

I call them Plantimals. This one is my favorite because most people don't see the changes right away.